Easter Eggs

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Easter Eggs
Patti Weber Colored by

I so enjoyed coloring this fantastic Easter page that was a gift from Favoreads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sure brightens up these dark Covid-19 days for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not being able to see family or attending church this Easter was quite a bit discouraging for me so the colors I selected were bright and cheerful - which was exactly what I needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for this WONDERFUL freebie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Used materials and techniques

Various gel and glitter gel pens....

Comments How others colored it

One thought on “Easter Eggs

  • Dear Patti, so glad you enjoyed this coloring page! Thank you for sharing. It’s so good that it brightened up your mood this Easter

  • Leave a Reply

    6 1
    I love Easter as this is when I know that spring is truly here. ...
    4 0
    This is the first time I've "colored" Easter eggs since our daughter was a young ...
    2 0
    1 2
    This is a delightful picture to color for both young and old like me!. I ...
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