Please support your fellow colorist Janice Churchman by voting up this artwork (heart icon), commenting, or sharing it on social media. Let's create the most loving and supportive coloring community together!

Hi everyone, my name is Janice and I am new to Favoreads Art Club. I have recently taken up colouring after suffering a breakdown from the stress of constant health issues which was recommended to me by my GP. I hadn't done any kind of artwork since I was 15, but how hard could colouring be? I started with a cheap set of felt tip pens and a couple of colouring books. I found it so pleasurable and just what I needed in my life to give me something to focus on ther than the pain I suffer on a daily basis. Three months and £600 later and I have a complete art station! And I absolutely love coluring! I stumbled upon Favoreads on UTube and downloaded a free picture to colour. This Leprechaun is the third one I have coloured. The pictures are really well drawn with lots of detail and there are a great range to choose from. I hope you like it! :o)
Mostly Arteza pencils used and a blending pencil
Welcome to the group! Your leprechaun is fantastic!! I’ve been in this group for two years now and I just love it. Coloring helps me deal with depression and anxiety. I agree with you in that the variety of pictures to color is never-ending! There’s always something that will jump out at you and demand that you color it! I’m looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful work! Carla
Hi Carla! Thank you for your very warm welcome to the group. Colouring has been a life saver for me over the last few months. I’ve always been a creative person and I can’t believe I haven’t done anything like this for 37 years! I had been looking for a long time for something else in my life and I think I’ve finally found it. I’m currently furloughed from my job for three months due to Covid19, so I am spending most of my days colouring lots of lovely pictures. Most people are critical of their own work and I am truly humbled by your kind words. I will be posting lots more pictures very soon 😄
Hi Janice,
Love your creation! It’s a real work of art❣️ Your technique is superb!
I’m also new to the club. Have been coloring for a few years and find it very calming. Always sleep better after a coloring session. So agree it’s great for stress relief.
Hi Theresa. Thank you very much. I’ve been trying different techniques lately. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and tutorials, which I find really helpful. It is very calming and great for stress relief. And you get something you’ve created at the end, which is very pleasing 😀
Love this! Your choice of colors and your shading are superb.
Thanks, Darlene! I’ve been working hard on my shading over the last month. Lots of things in this picture went wrong, but only I know that! lol
Welcome to our club, Janice! You are very talented, I can’t wait to see more of your artworks! The leprechaun looks so pretty, love it!
Thank you very much, Anastasia! I don’t believe I have ever been told in my life that I am talented and I am extremely humbled by your kind words. I am so happy to have found a club like this. Everyone is really friendly and supportive and your art works are beautiful. I absolutely LOVE colouring them! I have a work in progress which I will be sharing with everyone later today. I hope you like it 😀