Gorgeous Dragon

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Gorgeous Dragon
Carla Strating Colored by

Dragons are one of my favorite subjects to color. I really challenged myself with this one. I'm quite happy with the final result and may try using this medium again.

Used materials and techniques

I chose to use an uncommon medium with which to color it. Everything except for the frame is done using powder eye shadow. The frame is done with alcohol markers. The black shadowing around the dragon is done with an oil pastel, applied with blending tools.

Comments How others colored it

2 thoughts on “Gorgeous Dragon

  • Dear Carla, I absolutely love your dragon. The soft colors look awesome! It is indeed a challenging design but you did a great job, thank you for sharing.

    • Thank you Anastasia! I had a lot of fun using the eyeshadow to color with. It was definitely a learn-as-you-go process!!

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