Cup of Fantasy

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Cup of Fantasy
Carla Strating Colored by

I stepped away from coloring for a couple of months to do some mental healing. When I felt like I was ready to color again, I searched through the pictures and this one jumped out at me. I'm glad it did. I enjoyed working on it. It brought some peace back to me.

Used materials and techniques

Prismacolor, Sudee & Joseph Hartmut colored pencils and metallic markers were used in this picture.

Comments How others colored it

3 thoughts on “Cup of Fantasy

  • Carla, what a stunning art! I absolutely love it! The waves and the mountains look so real, it’s incredible! And the flowers are so soft and delicate. The whole picture is truly amazing! Thank you for sharing.

  • Thank you so much, Anastasia! I did a lot of second-guessing myself, but kept telling myself to just trust my instincts because you’ve taught me that they are worth trusting. Thank YOU for doing that for me.

    • Dear Carla, thank you so so much for your kind words! I am so deeply touched. You know how much I truly love your art and I think you are so talented and beautiful as a person, not only a colorist. I am super excited to have you back! Yes, always trust your instincts! When you do that, something incredible always comes out.

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