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Please support your fellow colorist Vermailene Barrios by voting up this artwork (heart icon), commenting, or sharing it on social media. Let's create the most loving and supportive coloring community together!

Vermailene Barrios Colored by
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2 thoughts on “Sofa

  • Hi,

    I have come across the picture of the sofa you colored. Your colors are exquisite. I mean the way it looks is different from any I have seen. I checked out your other pictures and they have that look to it that makes me which I could color like that. I am new to this coloring world.

    Can I ask what do you do that makes it look like that? Is it the pencils or do you add something extra to it.
    I know that the pictures are gorgeous.

    One day I hope to color like that.


    • Hello! I used watercolors here. I have a video how i colored it. Pls see Facebook page: Art of Vermailene Barrios, videos tab. 😊

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